What is the shipping time?

  1. Some of our products are shipped from overseas warehouses, and some are shipped from Shenzhen warehouses. Please pay attention to check when placing an order.
  2. The products will be shipped within 1-3 days, and the delivery time will be based on the selected logistics and region. After shipped, we will send the tracking number to the customer, and the customer can check the logistics dynamics at any time. The general delivery time is 3-15 working days.


How to install?

  1. Please refer to the manual when installing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer service. We will answer for you at any time.
  2. This product is a standard size, easy to install. If you are not good at DIY, we recommend that you hire professional personnel to install it.


Will the price be favorable for bulk purchases? How to get the wholesale price?

We are a manufacturer, so we support bulk orders. Bulk purchases will be cheaper than retail prices. If you want to bulk purchase, please click our online communication button, and apply for a preferential wholesale price with our sales staff. The price will definitely be Surprise to you.


How customized?

If you want customization, please contact our customer service, then it will be docked by our professional team. You can put forward your needs and requirements, then we will design and produce products according to your needs and requirements.


How about the after the sale?

We promise 30 days free return, 2 years warranty, if you are not satisfied with the product, please feel free to contact us, thank you.

30-day free return, please ensure that the product and packaging are intact and not artificially damaged.

  1. If the product has quality problems or you do not like and not satisfied with our product, please contact our customer service to explain the reason for the return/exchange, and submit the return/exchange application. After the application is approved, please send it back to our designated return address, and then send us the logistics tracking number of the return/exchange, and we will full refund you or send you a new one when we receive the tracking number.
  2. If the product has problems or is damaged during use, we have a 2-year warranty and support free maintenance. Contact our customer service to apply for the warranty. After the application is approved, please send the product back to our designated address, and then send us the logistics tracking number, and we will re-send it to you when the product is repaired.